Athelmas of San Miguel Athelma Cares

Athelma Cares

Athelma’s of San Miguel and Paula K are proud members of the following San Miguel and Paso Robles, CA, and community organizations, and encourage your involvement and patronage. 

Native Daughters of the Golden West
A 125 Year Old Fraternal and Patriotic Organization
543 Baker Street
San Francisco, CA 94117-1405
Tel: (415) 563-9091

Rios Caledonia Historical Adobe
Century Old Inn and Stage Stop
700 S. Mission Street
San Miguel, CA  93451
Tel: (805) 467-3357

Paso Robles Downtown Main Street Association
835 12TH Street, “D”
Paso Robles, CA 93446
Tel: (805) 238-4103

Paso Robles Chamber of Commerce
1225 Park Street
Paso Robles, CA 93446
Tel: (805) 238-0506

San Miguel Chamber of Commerce
P. O. Box 385
San Miguel, CA 93451
Tel:  (805) 975-6996 

Paso Robles Pioneer Museum
Preserving Our Special Heritage
2010 Riverside Avenue
Paso Robles, CA 93446
Tel: 1-800-239-4556